
Class template call_frame_info



// In header: <boost/call_stack/frame.hpp>

template<typename AddrResolver, typename OutputFormatter> 
class call_frame_info {
  // types
  typedef AddrResolver    symbol_resolver_type;     
  typedef OutputFormatter call_frame_formatter_type;

  // construct/copy/destruct
  call_frame_info(const call_frame & = null_frame);
  call_frame_info(const call_frame_info &);
  call_frame_info& operator=(call_frame_info);

  // public member functions
  void swap(call_frame_info &);
  call_frame frame() const;
  std::string as_string() const;
  bool operator==(call_frame_info const &) const;
  bool operator!=(call_frame_info const &) const;


Binds together a call_frame, a symbol_resolver and a formatter for the symbol information.

Template Parameters

  1. typename AddrResolver

    See symbol_resolver

  2. typename OutputFormatter

    See terse_call_frame_formatter, fancy_call_frame_formatter

call_frame_info public construct/copy/destruct

  1. call_frame_info(const call_frame & frame = null_frame);
  2. call_frame_info(const call_frame_info & other);
  3. call_frame_info& operator=(call_frame_info other);

call_frame_info public member functions

  1. void swap(call_frame_info & other);
  2. call_frame frame() const;
  3. std::string as_string() const;
  4. bool operator==(call_frame_info const & other) const;
  5. bool operator!=(call_frame_info const & other) const;
